Effective Scientific Writing Series: Part I


A scientific manuscript is a formal document that is submitted for publication in a scientific journal. The format of a scientific manuscript varies depending on the journal, but usually includes an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references sections. In this article, we will provide an overview of the elements of a scientific manuscript and how to prepare one for submission to a journal. In this article, we will be discussing the process of writing a scientific manuscript in different parts. We will go over the different sections of a scientific manuscript and what should be included in each one. With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to start writing your own scientific manuscripts. The process of writing a scientific manuscript can be daunting, but it is a necessary part of sharing your research with the world. We will give you a step-by-step guide on how to write a scientific manuscript so that you can get your work published in a journal. This article will highlight the process of selecting a journal for the scientific manuscript.

Knowing Scientific Manuscript

A scientific manuscript is a paper that is written by researchers and submitted to a journal for publication. The manuscript contains the results of the research and is usually divided into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. This article will be discussing various steps on how to write a scientific manuscript that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. This means that you should avoid using unnecessary words or phrases, and that you should be able to get your point across in as few words as possible. It is also important to make sure that your manuscript is easy to read and understand. To do this, you should use short sentences and simple language. Another important tip for writing a scientific manuscript is to make sure that it is well-organized. This means that you should have a clear Introduction, Methods section, Results section, and Discussion section. Each of these sections should be clearly labelled and easy to find. You should also include a title page and an abstract so that readers can quickly see what your manuscript is about.

General Article v/s Scientific Article

General articles are written for a lay audience and communicate scientific findings in an accessible way. They are typically found in popular science magazines. Scientific articles are peer-reviewed and intended for an audience of experts in a particular field. They are typically published in academic journals.

Types of Scientific Manuscripts

There are many different types of scientific manuscripts, each with its own specific purpose and format. The most common types are research articles, review articles, case reports, and letters to the editor. Research articles are the most common type of scientific manuscript. They report on original research that has been conducted by the author(s). Research articles typically include an Introduction, Methods section, Results section, Discussion section, and References. Review articles provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on a particular topic. Review articles can be either systematic reviews or literature reviews. Systematic reviews follow a specific methodology for conducting the literature search and assessing the quality of the studies included in the review. Literature reviews are more subjective and do not follow a specific methodology. Case reports describe a single patient or small group of patients with a rare condition or an unusual presentation of a common condition. Case reports typically include a description of the patient(s), medical history, physical examination findings, laboratory and imaging results, and treatment course. Letters to the editor are brief comments on an article that has been published in the journal. Letters to the editor may agree with or criticize the article, but they must be well-reasoned and supported by a group of scientific fraternity.

Pros and Cons of Scientific Manuscripts

There are many different types of scientific manuscripts, each with its own set of pros and cons. Here, we will take a look at the most common type of manuscript – the research paper.


A research paper is a great way to communicate your findings to the scientific community.

• It is a peer-reviewed process, so your work will be scrutinized by experts in your field before it is published.

• Once it is published, your paper will be available for anyone to read and cite, furthering the reach of your work.


• The writing process for a research paper can be long and arduous, often taking months or even years from start to finish.

• The peer-review process can be equally as long, meaning it can be years before your work sees the light of day.

• Your work may be rejected outright by editors or reviewers, meaning all that time and effort was for nothing.

The Effect of Editors on the Process

Scientific editors are a crucial part of the publishing process. All scientific articles go through this process, and the role of editors is to make sure that submitted articles meet the rules and requirements.

The editor must ensure that the article satisfies the guidelines of a journal or is of sufficient quality for publication. They also must judge if it “has sufficient scientific or clinical merit and intellectual content to justify its publication”. It is important for journals to have editors who have years of experience in their field, as they are responsible for both selecting and rejecting articles that are submitted by other professionals in their respective fields. The work done by these individuals can affect careers, funding, and research, so it is important that they do their job thoroughly and efficiently.

Why Editors Reject Manuscripts from Scientific Journal Submissions

The editors of scientific journals have the responsibility of selecting and publishing the most relevant, innovative and influential research in their respective fields. The process of selecting manuscripts includes reviewing submissions for quality, originality, and importance. Editors reject manuscripts primarily because they are not satisfied with the quality of the content or if its potential impact is too low. Another reason that editors reject manuscripts is if they think that there is a better manuscript than this one in terms of quality or originality. Editors of scientific journals are responsible for selecting and publishing the most relevant, innovative and influential research in their respective fields. They do this by eliminating submissions that do not contribute to the advancement of science.

Selecting a Scientific Journal

The process of selecting submissions to scientific journals is a critical part of ensuring that only the best research is published. In this article, we will take a look at how experts in the field go about making these decisions. The process of scientific journal selection can be gruelling, but it is important to make sure your research is seen by the right people. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of how to select a scientific journal for submission so that you can increase your chances of getting your article published. The process for selecting scientific journal submissions is a multi-step process that includes peer-review and editorial board approval. The first step is to identify a journal that accepts submissions. The next step is to submit your article to the journal. Once your article has been received, the journal will assign it to an editor.

The process of selecting submissions to scientific journals is a critical part of ensuring the quality of the journal. The editor and editorial board must consider many factors when making their decision, such as the quality of the research, the novelty of the work, and whether they fit with the journal’s focus. The process of selecting scientific journal submissions is a complex one that takes many factors into account. In this article, we will explore the different criteria that editors use when making their decision, so that you can have a better understanding of how your manuscript might be evaluated.

Choosing an appropriate journal

The process for selecting scientific journal submissions can be a difficult one. There are a few things that you should consider when making your decision. The first thing you need to think about is the type of article you are submitting. Is it a research article, a review article, or something else? Each type of article is better suited for different types of journals. If you are submitting a research article, you will want to look for a journal that specializes in that type of article. You will also want to make sure that the journal is peer-reviewed. This means that other scientists will read and critique your article before it is published. This helps to ensure the quality of the journal and the articles that it publishes.

If you are submitting a review article, you will want to look for a journal that specializes in that type of article as well. Review articles are typically shorter than research articles, and they provide an overview of the current state of research on a particular topic. Once you have considered the type of article you are submitting, you can start to narrow down your choices for journals. You can look at the impact factor of each journal to help you make your decision. The process of selecting an appropriate journal for your scientific submission can be a daunting task. However, with a little bit of research and knowledge about the different types of journals available, the process can be much simpler. Here are a few tips to help you select the right journal for your submission:

• Know your audience: It is important to know who your target audience is when selecting a journal. Are you trying to reach a general audience or a specific group of scientists? Make sure to select a journal that caters to your target audience.

• Consider the scope of the journal: Another crucial factor to consider when selecting a journal is the scope of the journal. What type of papers does the journal publish? Is it focused on a specific field or discipline? Make sure that your paper fits within the scope of the journal you are considering.

• Look at the quality of the journal: When you are looking at journals, be sure to check out their impact factor. This will give you an idea of how highly regarded the journal is in the scientific community. Journals with a higher impact factor are generally more prestigious and will reach a wider audience. However, they may also be more competitive.

Preferring Subject relevant Journal

The process of selecting a scientific journal submission can be divided into two parts. The first part is finding a journal that is relevant to the subject of your article. The second part is finding a journal that is willing to accept your article.

There are a few different ways to find relevant journals. The easiest way is to use an online database, such as the Web of Science, SCOPUS, EMBASE and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). You can also search for journals in your field by using Google Scholar. Another option is to look at the list of journals that cited your article’s topic in their own articles.

Once you have found a few potential journals, you will need to read their submission guidelines. This is important because each journal has different requirements for format, length, and type of article. For example, some journals only accept research articles, while others will also accept review articles or case studies. After you have found a journal that is both relevant and accepting of your article, you will need to submit it according to the journal’s guidelines. This usually involves filling out an online form and attaching your article as a Word document.

A journal with Active Editorial Board

The process for selecting scientific journal submissions is an important one that involves a number of different factors. The first and most important factor is the active editorial board. This group of experts are responsible for reviewing all submissions and making recommendations to the editor-in-chief about which ones should be accepted for publication. In order to be considered for publication, a submission must first go through a rigorous peer-review process. This process ensures that only the highest quality submissions are accepted for publication.

The process of selecting scientific journal submissions can be quite involved. Journals may have different criteria for what makes a good submission, and the selection process can vary depending on the journal. However, there are some general tips that can help you select a journal for your submission. The process of selecting submissions for a scientific journal is overseen by an editorial board. This board is responsible for ensuring that only the highest quality submissions are accepted for publication. To ensure that only the best submissions are accepted, the editorial board uses a rigorous review process. First, each submission is carefully evaluated by the editor-in-chief to determine whether it meets the basic requirements for the journal. If it does, it is then sent out to a group of expert reviewers who provide feedback on the submission. Based on the feedback from the reviewers, the editorial board makes a final decision on whether or not to accept the submission. If it is accepted, it is then sent to the publisher for production. The entire process can take several months, from the initial submission to the final publication. But thanks to the hard work of editorial boards, only the best submissions see the light of day.

First, consider if the journal is highly indexed and abstracted. This means that the journal is well-regarded in the scientific community and is likely to be read by other scientists. Indexing and abstracting also make it easier for other scientists to find your paper. Second, look at the scope of the journal. Ensure that your paper falls within the journal’s scope. For example, if you are writing about a new medical treatment, you would not want to submit to a journal that only publishes papers on physics. Finally, check the submission guidelines of the journal. Each journal has different guidelines for what they accept and how submissions should be formatted. Ensure that you follow all the guidelines before submitting your paper.

Highly indexed and Abstracted Journals

The process of selecting scientific journal submissions can be a daunting task, but it is important to choose a journal that is highly indexed and abstracted so that your research will be easily found by others. There are many factors to consider when choosing a journal, such as an impact factor, peer review process, and publication fees. It is important to consult with your peers and mentors to find the best fit for your research.

The process of selecting scientific journal submissions can be a daunting task, but there are a few key things to keep in mind that can help make the process a bit easier. First, it is important to consider the audience for the journal. For example, if the journal is geared towards practitioners, then submissions should focus on applied research that is directly relevant to clinical practice. If the journal is more focused on academics, then submissions can be more theoretical.

It is also important to consider the scope of the journal when making submission decisions. Some journals are very specific in their focus, while others are more general in nature. It is important to make sure that submissions fit within the scope of the journal to increase the chances of acceptance.

Finally, it is also important to consider the peer review process of the journal while making submission decisions. Some journals use a single-blind peer review process, while others use a double-blind peer review process. Understanding the difference between these two processes can help authors make informed decisions about where to submit their work. Choosing the right scientific journal can be a difficult task, but it is important to take the time to make sure your article is submitted to the right place.

Selecting High-Impact Journals

The process of selecting a scientific journal for submission can be a difficult one. There are many factors to consider, such as the journal’s impact factor, the quality of the papers they publish, and the journal’s reputation. Here are a few tips to help you select the right journal for your paper:

• Look at the impact factor of the journal. This is a measure of how often papers from this journal are cited by other papers. The higher the impact factor, the more influential the journal.

• Check out the quality of papers that the journal publishes. Make sure that they are well-written and researched.

• Consider the journal’s reputation. Is it respected by other scientists in your field?

• Take some time to consider all of these factors before making your decision. The right journal can make a big difference in how your paper is received by the scientific community.

Online Submissions for Swift Process

The process for selecting scientific journal submissions can be quite swift when done online. Many journals now offer online submission, which means that the entire process can be completed without even having to leave your computer. This can be a great timesaver, especially if the submission is for multiple journals. When the manuscript is submitted online, you will typically be asked to provide your contact information, as well as the title and abstract of your paper. Some journals also require that you upload a PDF/Full Manuscript in the editable format of the paper. Once it is submitted with all the required materials, the journal will eventually start the review process.

Reviewers will generally read your paper and provide feedback on whether or not it is appropriate for publication. If there are any major concerns, they may request revisions before making a final decision. In most cases, however, the review process is relatively quick and straightforward. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified of the outcome and given further instructions on how to proceed. The process for selecting scientific journal submissions is a two-step process. First, you must complete an online submission form. Then, you will be asked to submit your paper through the journal’s online submission system. A common mistake is not formatting correctly or following the proper guidelines that are set forth by the journal. This can lead to the rejection of your article. We will bring more insights in our next part covering about writing an introduction in a scientific paper. 


Submission of papers to a Scientific journal can be challenging, hence a thorough narrative about the components of a scientific manuscript and how to submit one to a journal are discussed in this article, including how to write a clear, concise, easy-to-understand scientific manuscript. Each type of scientific manuscript has its own format and purpose. The submission criteria and selection processes can vary from journal to journal, hence while submitting the paper, the authors ought to consider the journal’s scope, relevance, quality of the journal, indexing databases, guidelines, and impact factor, and must ensure to follow these to avoid the rejection of the paper. Journal editors select and publish the most relevant, innovative, and impactful research in their fields. The selection procedure considers quality, novelty, and importance.

The Editorial board plays a pivotal role in determining the fate of the articles and ensuring the quality of the journal, whereas the reviewers also play a prominent role in the evaluation of the papers. The editorial board bases its decision on reviewer feedback. Submission to publication can take months. Editorial boards only publish the best submissions.


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